Thursday, January 21, 2010

Movie Date!!

Pete and I are heading out for our weekly date night (or in this case afternoon). Lucky for us (and for Will) we have an awesome Grandma who loves babysitting. Last week we went to see Avatar and Will had a sleepover at Grandma's all by himself for the first time!! Today we are going to see Book of Eli which should be good ... no sleepover though as I have a work meeting all tomorrow afternoon during which Grandma is going to babysit again. :)

Here are some new pics:
Giggly boy!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will has arrived!

I guess that I am really very late it making this post to finally announce Will's arrival. He made his debut on Saturday December 12, 2009 at 7:42am. He weighed 1olbs, 12oz and was 23in. long. Needless to say it was a wild ride into the world that ended in an unplanned C-section. As the Doctor was pulling Will out of me he said, "Congratulations. You have just given birth to a toddler!".

Today, he is 4 and a half weeks old. It has been incredible so far but also pretty exhausting. I have been so lucky to have so much love and support from my family. Pete has been home a lot and Grandma is in heaven!!