Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jolly Jumpin' & ExerSaucercizing

Here are some pics of the boy learning new things and testing out some new moves:

Here I am eating Pablum ... I know I am not 6 months yet, but look at me ... I am hungry!!

I also have a bit of a sweet tooth (like my Momma). Here I am sucking on some red licorice with Gramps.

This is a pretty cool pic that Grandma took from the couch (she just had a Total Hip Replacement). She caught everyone in the pic; Zane, Gramps, Me, Mommy & Daddy:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 Month Summary

March 2, 2010 - Wellness visit with Dr. Keegan
Weight: 7060gm, 15lb, 9oz
Height: 68cm, 26 3/4"
Head circumference: 41.5 cm

At 3 months these are Will's favourite things (told by him of course):
  • My ExerSaucer (I have one at Mommy's and one at Grandma's)
  • Although I have been smiling for quite awhile I am now a giggling mad man too!!
  • My best friend is that good looking baby in the mirror who I visit quite often (especially when I am upset).
  • I love to get my diaper changed. I smile as soon as it is taken off ... what a relief.
  • I have pretty much stopped using my soother altogether although I do love to suck on my fingers or anything else I can try to cram into my mouth.
  • Bio Gaia probiotic drops have changed my life (and my Mother's). It took away my thrush (which I had for 2 months) and also solved all of my tummy problems. I am now the most pleasant baby ever.

I am just like Mommy with my blue eyes and I am ALWAYS smiling. I am just like Daddy in that I am SUPER ticklish ... but I hate being tickled. I giggle because I can't help it but it drives me crazy! I see my Grandma and Grandpa almost every single day and also get to see my Auntie Candace quite a lot too since she lives at Grandma's. I know that I am the luckiest boy because they love me more than anything!!

This is me in my Big Boy chair that Grandma got for me!!