Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will has arrived!

I guess that I am really very late it making this post to finally announce Will's arrival. He made his debut on Saturday December 12, 2009 at 7:42am. He weighed 1olbs, 12oz and was 23in. long. Needless to say it was a wild ride into the world that ended in an unplanned C-section. As the Doctor was pulling Will out of me he said, "Congratulations. You have just given birth to a toddler!".

Today, he is 4 and a half weeks old. It has been incredible so far but also pretty exhausting. I have been so lucky to have so much love and support from my family. Pete has been home a lot and Grandma is in heaven!!

1 comment:

Allison Rankin said...

OMG...an update! I need to come for a visit even if the kids don't. Or, if you are feeling housebound, head this way. Email me, k?